A day with Legambiente Green Schooner
“Waiting for Green Schooner” is the event organized on the 1st of August 2014 in Giulianova (Teramo, Italy) by the Province of Teramo within the 7FP Project called MARLISCO, “MARine Litter in Europe Seas: Social AwarenesS and CO-Responsibility", and by the “Costa Blu Flag” Coastal Action Group (CAG), with the support of Legambiente (League for the Environment).
During “Waiting for Goletta”, around 50 youngsters between 8 and 13 years old took part to edutainment workshops, managed by the Legambiente’ biologist Lara Cardelli. The playful and training moments coordinated by the Province of Teramo took place during the morning (10.00 am – 12.00 am, “Parco dei Principi” Hotel, see figure) and the afternoon (5.00 pm – 7 pm, Camping “Don Antonio) of the first of August and gave to the participants the chance to measure themselves with the marine litter theme through jokey activities, such as the beach cleanup hunting with data record and the role playing, and training ones, such as the MARLISCO Italian Exhibition posters reading and discussion.
The Legambiente’ Green Schooner (www.legambiente.it/golettaverde) docked at the Port of Giulianova in the afternoon, at 5,00 pm, giving visitors the possibility to get on board until 8,oo pm. In the meantime, the MARLISCO and GAC exhibition were displayed, with informative posters about the MARLISCO project and the “Costa Blu Flag”. The exhibitions were supported by informative desks about MARLISCO, with project brochures and documents, and the CAG.
Prominence to the INTERREG IVC ERCIP, European River Corridor Improvement Plans (www.ercip.eu), project, of which the Province of Teramo is partner, was also given by a specific informative stand, where flyers, gadgets and information about the Tordino River Contract realized by the Province of Teramo and about ERCIP were distributed.
After the edutainment workshops and late in the afternoon at the Port of Giulianova, visitors and participants could take part to tasting moments organized by the CAG, during which tastes of blue fish were distributed.
During the afternoon, the MARLISCO Video Contest winning videos were displayed for visitors (watch the playlist at the following link, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkrQycwi4_tes-KT2XhofDem-1wE3Cgkf).
The day ended with a Focus on Sustainable Mobility, organized by Legambiente Giulianova, during which Cycle-tourism in Abruzzo was discussed by the speakers.
MARLISCO Project Coordinator: Doriana Calilli, Provincia di Teramo, Tel. 00390861331407
mob. 00390665670917, e-mail d.calilli@provincia.teramo.it, politiche.comunitarie@provincia.teramo.it
MARLISCO Project Secretariat: Mara Di Berardo, Provincia di Teramo, tel.: 0039 0861331238, e-mail: marlisco@provincia.teramo.it
Facebook MARLISCO.Italia: https://www.facebook.com/MARLISCO.Italia