MARLISCO at the “Futuro Remoto” event in Naples

The 28th edition of the “Remote Future. A journey between science and sci-fi” (o.t. Futuro Remoto). Un viaggio tra scienza e fantascienza) event, organized by Città della Scienza in Naples, from the 31st of October and the 9th of November with a promoting committee composed by over 80 research centres, laboratories, university departments, hi-tech firms, scientific associations, was a success.

This year event was focused on the SEA theme and organized over 1.000 square meters of exhibitions about the sea, like GNAM – MARE (GNAM – SEA), realized within the European Fisheries Fund,  and Orizzonte Mare (Sea Horizon), realized within the 7 framework Program, interactive paths, events and workshops to involve the guests.

The MARLISCO Italian exhibitions was launched within the occasion together with the event at Città della Scienza in Naples. The MARLISCO exhibition is a formative and informative path aiming at raising awareness about marine litter through data, images and scientific information: It is composed by original coloured barrels, a symbol of marine wastes in many peoples’ mind, and posters with information bout ML.

During the ten days of the event, Futuro Remoto involved 35.700 registered visitors, among the ones paying the entrances to the exhibitions and the ones taking part to over 200 laboratories, conferences, meetings and special events around the city, the Province of Naples and the Region of Campania, transforming the event in areal science festival.

The MARLISCO exhibition can be visited by groups and single persons at città della Scienza until the 31st of May 2015. 


Futuro Remoto:

Exhibition MARLISCO Italy:


Province of Teramo (MARLISCO Project Coordinator): Doriana Calilli, Servizio Politiche Comunitarie, Via G. Milli, 2, 64100 Teramo - Tel. +39 0861 331408/23 – e-mail:

Città della Scienza: via Coroglio, 104 e 57, 80124 Napoli - tel. +39 081 7352 220/222 –

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