MARLISCO in the Marine Knowledge Gate
MARLISCO took part to the STAGES survey, which approached project coordinators from around 4,000 marine research activities with public European and national funding with a response rate of circa 32% (around 1,200 replies), from which 20% indicated relevance to the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and achievement of Good Environmental Status (GES) in European waters.
The MARLISCO project details are now present on the Marine Knowledge Gate — a major ongoing web portal of marine research projects in Europe.
The STAGES partners are now in the process of synthesizing survey information into 5 SoA thematic reports, in which GES Descriptors are grouped as follows:
‘Biodiversity’ Theme with Descriptors 1, 2, 4 and 6;
‘Commercially exploited fish’ Theme for Descriptor 3;
‘Contaminants & Nutrients’ Theme with Descriptors 5, 8 and 9;
‘Hydrographical conditions’ Theme for Descriptor 7', and
‘Disturbances’ Theme with Descriptors 10 and 11.
These SoA synthesis reports will highlight those projects that, according to experts from the STAGES partnership and based on the information provided by project coordinators, have more potential to assist MSFD implementation. STAGES SoA reports will be available in the STAGES website.
The STAGES Project is a coordination and Support Action, which has received funding from the European Union under the Seventh Framework Programme of Cooperation (FP7; Food, Agriculture and Fisheires) and is designed to deliver “Good Environmental Status” (GES) in EU marine waters by 2020.