Marine Litter Targeted Brochure
Within MARLISCO, a brochure targeted to citizens, mainly in their professional capacity but also as individuals, has been developed entitled "Stopping marine litter together! Each and every one of us can contribute in keeping our coasts and seas litter free! ". The economic sectors that are addressed are tourism, the maritime and wider manufacturing sector.The brochure provides essential information on the marine litter issue (sources, composition and impacts) and suggestions on how one can contribute to tackling this growing pressure. The aim is not only to instil a sense of co-responsibility within the various stakeholder communities as co-contributors to the marine litter problem but also to foster a sense of empowerment and take up individual and/or collective actions.
Suggested citation: "Marine litter brochure sectors-specific ‘Stopping marine litter together!’, MIO-ECSDE, 2015.
Deliverable D6.4. MARLISCO project. Marine Litter in European Seas: Social
Awareness and Co-Responsibility. (EC FP7 Coordinated and Support Action, SIS-MML-289042).
Contact: Thomais Vlachogianni,,