Implementation of MARPOL Annex V in Cyprus (Cyprus)
The Department of Merchant Shipping (DMS) in Cyprus, in its capacity as the competent Cypriot authority under Regulation 8 of MARPOL Annex V (Port State control on operational requirements), performs random inspections on all ships (national and foreign) within the port areas of Cyprus, as well as inspections of Cypriot ships abroad (a fleet of about 1000 foreign going ships) to ensure compliance with MARPOL Annex V. Practically, the officers check the ship’s garbage management plan (GMP), the garbage record book and verify the existence of garbage disposal receipts from previous ports. They also check that garbage collected is stowed and segregated in accordance with the ship’s GMP and they verify also that placards to notify the crew and passengers on the requirements for disposal of waste are displayed as required. The inspections are performed either by Marine Surveyors of the DMS or by 14 independent Inspectors, which have been appointed in 12 ports around the world.
Also small passenger ships engaged in coastal navigation are checked regularly for compliance with the applicable national requirements.
Place / Location | Cyprus |
Commencement Date | 1 July 1998 |
Duration | Ongoing |
Theme | Prevention |
Type of Initiative | Policy/Regulation Implementation |
Initiated by | National Government, Department of Merchant Shipping |
Involved Stakeholders | None |
Funding/Financial Support | No |
Success Rate | Very Successful |
Case Study prepared by |
Mr. Ioannis Efstratiou, Senior Marine Surveyor, Department of Merchant Shipping Head, Marine Environment Protection Section Tel.: +35725848273/Fax: +35725848200 Email: |
Submitted by |
Demetra Orthodoxou, ISOTECH Ltd MARLISCO Partner 12 |
Available documentation and further information